Commencing Friday 6th April - Shocking Society will not only be free to join but free to use! Following the example of sites like Oasis Active I'm going to rely on advertising revenue to fund the whole thing. Those of you who have already paid me for a subscription will be well compensated. My other web site is Follies Bizarre and that costs $185 a year to join. I'm going to swing your subscription across from Shocking Society to Follies Bizarre. If that's not satisfactory then I will give refunds depending on how much time you lave left on the clock, but you'll have to wait until the advertising revenue starts to roll in.
The advantage for everyone will be, I think, that membership to Shocking Society will soar. We will be one of the very few tranny web sites in the world that offers its customers everything for free. With the money I get from advertising I will pay a web expert to upgrade and improve the Shocking Society site until it becomes the best there is. It's not bad as it is but there are several improvements could be made and they will be made.
Your feedback would be appreciated.
Ciao4now, Kelly
The Shocking Society!
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